Vol. 4, Issue 1, 2017May 04, 2017 WEST
A Comment on Miguel Poiares Maduro’s “Crisis between Crises”: The Portuguese Constitutional Court’s Jurisprudence of Crisis between Autarchy and Sovereignty
A Comment on Miguel Poiares Maduro’s “Crisis between Crises”: The Portuguese Constitutional Court’s Jurisprudence of Crisis between Autarchy and Sovereignty
EU lawStability and Growth PactEuropean economic governance systemPortuguese Constitutional CourtEuropean Court of Justicejurisprudence of crisislegal pluralismsovereignty
MIGUEL NOGUEIRA DE BRITO, A Comment on Miguel Poiares Maduro’s “Crisis between Crises”: The Portuguese Constitutional Court’s Jurisprudence of Crisis between Autarchy and Sovereignty, 4 E-Publica 43 (2017).